- 4 C
Daugava ads
Recently the river Daugava has become a highly wanted surface. Leaving messages on the snowed ice is the latest trend in communication and advertising. Low costs and the fun of creation make laziness disappear. I have a quick glance over the bridge railings to see if something has been added and if crossing the river by bike is safe... [27.01.13]
sunny slowness
Too sunny to be true. This is at least the fifth sunny day in a row. Am I still in Latvia? I hope there will still be some sun left for the Summer. Going through the city very very slowly without music for a change, my own breathing and the sounds of the city is on. Relaxing. [26.01.13]
the bloody (and dirty) cog
Happy because high on endorphins. Less happy because my bike hurt me and I am starting to think it has a sense of humor. My middle finger slipped under the cog while cleaning the chain, too dreamy I guess I was. And now I grasp that my fingers have always been quite unlucky (auch! for all those times I hurt them). [25.01.13]
the evil thaw
The thaw comes and brings along a hope for the summer to approach sooner, but in the same kit the wetness is included. This wetness only generates sopping bootys and unhappy riders. If the thaw continues, I will be in need of one heroic ass-saver. The moon tonight is full (or nearly) and the pond looks magical, surreal, you should see it. [24.01.13]
the frozen pond
day - the on-ice-fishermen (Latv. bļitkotāji) were on the duty again and it could mean that getting on the ice is safe (not always, as they occasionally get in trouble for fishing on ice when there is no ice); anyhow... the more important sign was that I found a friend having the same quirky desire - go and have fun on that frozen pond. Very excited we were until the water started leaking through the snow, so we jumped off the bikes and ran back laughing panicky. Giving up was not the option, we just chose a path closer to the coast, but the frustration of not being able to cross it in the "middle middle" stays. [23.01.13]
Every time I ride the bike tears come rushing into my eyes. Is it the velocity, the thrill, or the cold? [22.01.13]
off-road winter cycling
Today I would have really appreciated having sunglasses with me (the ones I got in Madrid and lost in a music festival this summer). The brightness of sunshine in winter is much more intense due to reflecting the light in the white white snow, I assume. On the way back from the swimming pool I decide to make another circle on my bike around the small peninsula; the day was exceptionally sunny and beautiful and I had no desire to get back to "the important stuff". I went off-road for better views and it made me think of how not to fall and to stay on the bike. Snow-cycling requires some skills and a couple of tricks, which you get the hang of naturally, by doing. However, the crucial thing is good balancing mastery. It used to be my weak point, but thanks to cycling it is not anymore. SO... just a couple of things to acquire and keep in mind (like avoiding icy areas or not avoiding but taking your feet out of the straps) and you can go almost as fast as in summer and forget about falling (no 100% promise though). Use you eyes, your ears and your sixth biker sense. [21.01.13]
too cold
In the sunshine, snowflakes look like tiny pieces of silver. They fall on my face and stick to the eyelashes. Too cold for cycling - everybody says. And today I can agree. Luckily I am home already, trying to get my feet and face feel again. [18.01.13]
don't be afraid
Fighting the freezing wind (blowing against me as always). Woolen leg warmers over the knee and plenty of greasy cream on my face. Found this amazing quote:
"Don't be afraid of ignoring people's expectations of you. Don't be afraid of going fast and getting hurt. You can always wear black stockings to cover up the scars! You just have to forget what your parents thought you - stuff like being careful, looking good and catching the best man available." [not my parents]. Marla Streb,World MTB Champion. .. and paradoxically I didn't get the chance to score another bunch of bruises today with the guys destroying the VEF skatepark on fixies. Next time. [17.01.13]
"Don't be afraid of ignoring people's expectations of you. Don't be afraid of going fast and getting hurt. You can always wear black stockings to cover up the scars! You just have to forget what your parents thought you - stuff like being careful, looking good and catching the best man available." [not my parents]. Marla Streb,World MTB Champion. .. and paradoxically I didn't get the chance to score another bunch of bruises today with the guys destroying the VEF skatepark on fixies. Next time. [17.01.13]
remembering what the sun looks like

In the morning hurry of getting to the exam on time I chose
a bit different way than usually. Oh I was fast maneuvering among cars when
suddenly my bike decided to unfix itself by dropping the chain in the moment I
was changing the lane. The brake saved me some broken bones for sure. I took my
time rolling to reach the closest safe point and put that damn loose chain
back. It pissed me off again on the way back, winter does something very harmful to those chains.
-14 C and lightly snowing. [14.01.13]
a clown
Opening the jalousie in the morning made me cheerful and worried at once. 10 cm of the promised snow had come true. Beautiful, but how will I ride? An encouragement from a hardened messenger friend saved my resolution. I looked at my bike and thought to myself - this is going to be fun...
And it was. When trying to get from the driving part to the sidewalk of the bridge, I fell over the handlebar, lay there laughing for some moments. I wonder how many people got to have a good morning laugh seeing that clumsiness. Well..but the rest of it... snowing very hard, the passing vehicles throwing some more disgusting liquid on me, eyes full of snow...trying to find the least snowed area on the road meanwhile avoiding crashing into cars (or the other way around). Alive I am. [10.01.13]
And it was. When trying to get from the driving part to the sidewalk of the bridge, I fell over the handlebar, lay there laughing for some moments. I wonder how many people got to have a good morning laugh seeing that clumsiness. Well..but the rest of it... snowing very hard, the passing vehicles throwing some more disgusting liquid on me, eyes full of snow...trying to find the least snowed area on the road meanwhile avoiding crashing into cars (or the other way around). Alive I am. [10.01.13]
too much to wear
The Winter is back! How I hate taking off those 100 layers of winter clothes! It takes too long and doesn't look graceful or sexy at all.
Quite a distance today. Crossing the bridge for the third time a fog surprised me; it hadn't paid a visit for a while. Reminds me of my Val.
the first collection
Asphalt is dry and just that makes me happy this morning. While the ride back is, most probably, the slowest in months thinking of how short a life can be. Thinking of how painful must a sudden death of a very close friend be. Love people around you! [08.01.13]
The wind is blowing me off my wheels and it is hard to breathe while crossing the bridge. There is no fake spring feeling anymore; the winter is back and biting even though green grass is all around. [05.01.13]
One nice bike ride and I am born again, in 2013 this time. It is funny how happy the wet pavement makes me after having experienced days of riding frozen, snow-mountain surrounded streets. [03.01.13]
The last and the first days of the year have been spent without biking. I promise not to pass the whole year this way. [31.12.12 + 01.01.13]
Like a duck on the ice. After yesterday's experience I decided to wear elbow savers. Did not fall, of course. [30.12.12]
Early winter morning. The sun is shining from afar, birds are singing and my wisdom tooth is hurting. A happy morning ride to have breakfast with a friend. Yet the way back from a night movie was icy and a fall was inevitable. Icebiking is dangerous, kids. [29.12.12]
My wish came true – it is snowing today. Despite the snowflakes being sharp (they are hurting my face), I am happy. [28.12.12]
Today is the worst weather I can remember to have biked in. It is freezing, but not enough for the snowflakes to appear, so it is raining instead. All of that is accompanied by a bitchy wind. Wet and cold, +1. My bike is not wearing any lights, so I have to be extra careful.[27.12.12]
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