ice terror
Storm, storm, storm! The weather in the morning was tolerable, nothing more, but the evening had brought the promised super-strong wind and the hard ice-rain. On the way to Sam Tracy's bike seminar I encountered a river on the bridge and wind-blown balls of snow attacking me; with this song in my ears I won the battle. This day, I learned two lessons: wearing two tank tops can be very beneficial because one can become a skirt if your wet-through pants are killing you during a two-hour seminar; on Tracy's part, the demonstration of Bolt Check was a useful reminder of how to perform a bike safety check. To sum up, this day could be labeled as the city-ice-cycling day, going up the bike lane on the bridge, I started sliding down having no control over anything, helpless, and so were the pedestrians ... moving like ducks on the ice - all the paths were covered with wet ice: terror on every pedal spin. [30.01.13]