smile, please

I really love giving an I-see-you sign to fellow riders by staring them in the eyes for a second, waving, smiling or nodding and usually it is mutual, because they know it is nice to be a part of something, a part of a big family. But there was this guy today. I was racing him (he had no idea) and I overtook him three times. We were in a shoulder-to-shoulder position - he on the road, I on the sidewalk but he kept looking straight as if his life depended on not moving his head. So my desperate attempts to stare him in the eyes failed completely. But to compensate for that I greeted my messenger neighbor two times in two  distant parts of the city. He knows how to do it properly - with a smile. 
I felt the love today. At the university, at the cafĂ©, on the road, at the store, in myself. I hope you did too. [14.02.13]